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2022년 4월 영문 반부패 뉴스레터

  • 작성자한은실
  • 게시일2022-05-20
  • 분류뉴스레터
  • 조회수12,319

ACRC Korea Transparency Newsletter (Apr.  2022)


ACRC Prepares the Foundation for Korea to Leap Forward as an Advanced Nation with Integrity,
Following the Achievement of Reaching a Record High in Corruption Perceptions Index

- For the past five years, ACRC has led the efforts to improve CPI in collaboration with the public servants and citizens based on fair and stringent anti-corruption laws and institutions

ACRC Held Briefing Sessions by Region for Early Settlement of the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act

- Briefing sessions were held in the order of Daejeon, Gwangju, Seoul, Chuncheon, and Busan, along with online sessions on April 28-29

ACRC Provided a Forum for Public Discussion with Target Institutions for Safe Landing of 2022 Compreh-ensive Integrity Assessment That Has Been Revised

- Marking the first year of evaluation of public institutions using completely revised comprehensive integrity assessment (CIA) system, the ACRC chairperson Jeon Hyun-Heui had direct in-person communication with target institutions for successful conduct of CIA

ACRC Discussed Ways to Provide Same Level of Protection and Compensation to Reporters Regardless of Report Type

- On the 27th, the ACRC held a discussion to discuss unification of reporter protection and compensation systems
in its five Acts

Interagency Special Team, “94 Soldiers who Died in Battle or on Duty after the Korean War Found Their Families”

- The interagency special team announced the progress on finding families of war dead and dead on duty

ACRC, “Social Enterprise that Voluntarily Reported Illicit Receipt of Subsidy and Returned the Total
Amount should not Face Revocation of its Social Enterprise Certificate”

- The CAAC said that even with reasons for the revocation of social enterprise certificate, public interest gained and damaged interest to the persons involved should be weighed in the revocation decision


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