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Taxi stand to be more pleasant and safe
Taxi stand to be more pleasant and safe - Defects spotted after installation due to unclear standards for taxi stand facilities and its installatio..
17-02-2025 -
ACRC, Revealed 15 Integrity Training Content
Olympic Gold Medalist Ki Bo-Bae, “Five Straight Wins of Woman Archery was Available Due to the Transparent Player Selection Process of the Assoc..
17-02-2025 -
“ACRC Works Together for Clean, Ethical Business ..
“ACRC Works Together for Clean, Ethical Business Management!” - ACRC publishes "Self-Regulatory Guideline on Ethical Compliance Program..

ACRC Foreign Enterprises Ombudsman
MOREWhen you face any corruption, illegality or unfairness while doing business in Korea, please file complaints through the e-People system