2022년 1월 영문 반부패 뉴스레터
- 작성자한은실
- 게시일2022-02-21
- 분류뉴스레터
- 조회수15,542
ACRC Korea Transparency Newsletter (Jan. 2022)
▷ Korea ranks 32nd in the 2021 Corruption Perception Index(CPI) released
by Transparency International(TI) with an all-time high score of 62 points
- Since the launch of the current administration, Korea showed the most improvement
in score (8 points) and rank (19 notches) among OECD countries in the last 5 year
▷ In Index of Public Integrity(IPI) evaluation, Korea ranked 18th in the
world and the 1st in Asia, the highest ever
- Ranked high in data-based objective corruption control measurement
▷ "For the better good of the people" ACRC makes 2022 the first year to
leap forward with its digital platform for the people's rights and interests
- Prevention of the infringement of the people’s rights and improvement of policies
by enacting the “e-People Act” and connecting, integrating, and analyzing big data
in the public and private sectors
▷ ACRC cranks down on corruption and acts detrimental to the public interest
by strengthening functions by stages of 'corruption & public interest report
→ protection & reward → confiscation & punishment'
- ACRC released the 2022 plan for corruption & public interest report and protection & reward
▷ ACRC publicized the result of the 2021 Anti-corruption Initiative Assessment(AIA)
- The institutions receiving increased AIA grades due to active anti-corruption efforts showed improved integrity levels
- The significance and influence of the anti-corruption efforts of public institutions will rise
because of the newly introduced "Comprehensive Integrity Assessment" this year
▷ Anti-Corruption Training Institute of ACRC "strengthens customized integrity education
for elected and high-ranking officials"
- The ACRC creates an「Integrity &Ethics Management Training Course」for public corporations
and quasi-government organizations and expands integrity education programs for the next generation
to be provided by visiting elementary and middle schools
▷ ACRC held meetings for auditors of public institutions
- Key anti-corruption policies and tasks for 2022 were delivered to public institutions
▷ ACRC actively communicates with AMCHAM korea to enhance national
integrity level
- On January 14(Fri), ACRC explained Conflict of Interest Prevention Act to AMCHAM
executives and foreign businesses in Korea
▷ ACRC, protector of citizens, resolves difficulties of foreign companies
operating in Korea
- ACRC visited ECCK to listen difficulties of foreign companies and discuss a
reasonable institutional improvement issues
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