영문 반부패 뉴스레터(2015년 상반기)
- 작성자윤소영
- 게시일2015-07-31
- 분류뉴스레터
- 조회수3,259
영문 반부패 뉴스레터(2015년 상반기)
ACRC Korea Transparency Newsletter Spring/Summer 2015
- 청탁금지법 국회 통과('15.3.3.)
Improper Solicitation & Graft Act passed National Assembly
A new anti-corruption Act was enacted to eradicate improper solicitations and bribery and promote the fair performance of public duties.
- '공익신고자 보호법 개정안' 국회 본회의 통과('15.7.6.)
Revised whistleblower protection Act passed the National Assembly
The revised Act on the Protection of Public Interest Whistleblowers will be applicable to 279 laws to expand protection for whistleblowers.
- 공공재정 부정사용 시 최대 5배까지 제재부가금 부과('15.6.9.)
Fraudulent claim of public finance subject to financial penalty up to 5 times
A Bill on the Prevention of False Claims of Public Funds passed the cabinet meeting on June 9th.
- 권익위, 공공기관에 '반부패·청렴정책 추진지침' 전달('15.2.11.)
ACRC distributes Anti-Corruption Policy Guidelines to public organizations
In 2015, the ACRC will push ahead with various policies to spread a culture of integrity in order to raise the level of integrity in the public sector.
- '14년 공공기관 부패방지 시책평가 결과 발표('15.2.5.)
ACRC publishes the result of the 2014 Anti-Corruption Initiatives Assessment
The ACRC released the result of the 2014 Anti-Corruption Initiatives Assessment, which was conducted for 254 public organizations.
- 권익위 위원장, 국제 반부패포럼 개막연설('15.3.27.)
Chairman Lee Sungbo introduces the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act at the OECD Integrity Forum
Chairman Lee Sungbo of the ACRC visited Paris and London to explain overall anti-corruption policies of Korea including the Improper Solicitation & Graft Act.
- 주한 외국경제인 초청 정책간담회 개최('15.2.26.)
ACRC holds the Policy Briefing for Foreign Businesses
The ACRC briefed foreign businesses in Korea on Korea's major anti-corruption policies while listening to their difficulties and grievances.
- 권익위, 국제 컨퍼런스 통해 기업 윤리경영 지원방안 논의('15.5.19.)
ACRC discussed ethical business practices at international summit
The ACRC introduced the Korean government's anti-corruption policies and discussed ways to support efforts to promote business ethics at the UN Global Compact Korea Leaders Summit.
- 외국공무원 대상 청렴교육 실시('15.5.20.)
ACRC runs anti-corruption training course for public officials from 15 countries
The ACRC organized the ACRC Training Course for International Anti-Corruption Practitioners designed to help build anti-corruption capacity of public officials from around the world.
- 권익위 청렴교육 받은 공직자, 청렴성 향상된 것으로 나타나('15.1.19.)
Public officials who received ACRC integrity education show improvement in integrity
The public officials who had received education at the Anti-Corruption Training Institute (ACTI) of the ACRC showed higher levels of integrity compared to those who did not.
- 행동강령 위반 공무원, 지난해 첫 감소 ▼6.6%('15.6.22.)
Code of conduct violations in the public sector down 6.6%
The number of public officials who violated the Code of Conduct for Public Officials in 2014 decreased by 6.6% to 1,965.
ACRC Korea Transparency Newsletter Spring/Summer 2015
- 청탁금지법 국회 통과('15.3.3.)
Improper Solicitation & Graft Act passed National Assembly
A new anti-corruption Act was enacted to eradicate improper solicitations and bribery and promote the fair performance of public duties.
- '공익신고자 보호법 개정안' 국회 본회의 통과('15.7.6.)
Revised whistleblower protection Act passed the National Assembly
The revised Act on the Protection of Public Interest Whistleblowers will be applicable to 279 laws to expand protection for whistleblowers.
- 공공재정 부정사용 시 최대 5배까지 제재부가금 부과('15.6.9.)
Fraudulent claim of public finance subject to financial penalty up to 5 times
A Bill on the Prevention of False Claims of Public Funds passed the cabinet meeting on June 9th.
- 권익위, 공공기관에 '반부패·청렴정책 추진지침' 전달('15.2.11.)
ACRC distributes Anti-Corruption Policy Guidelines to public organizations
In 2015, the ACRC will push ahead with various policies to spread a culture of integrity in order to raise the level of integrity in the public sector.
- '14년 공공기관 부패방지 시책평가 결과 발표('15.2.5.)
ACRC publishes the result of the 2014 Anti-Corruption Initiatives Assessment
The ACRC released the result of the 2014 Anti-Corruption Initiatives Assessment, which was conducted for 254 public organizations.
- 권익위 위원장, 국제 반부패포럼 개막연설('15.3.27.)
Chairman Lee Sungbo introduces the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act at the OECD Integrity Forum
Chairman Lee Sungbo of the ACRC visited Paris and London to explain overall anti-corruption policies of Korea including the Improper Solicitation & Graft Act.
- 주한 외국경제인 초청 정책간담회 개최('15.2.26.)
ACRC holds the Policy Briefing for Foreign Businesses
The ACRC briefed foreign businesses in Korea on Korea's major anti-corruption policies while listening to their difficulties and grievances.
- 권익위, 국제 컨퍼런스 통해 기업 윤리경영 지원방안 논의('15.5.19.)
ACRC discussed ethical business practices at international summit
The ACRC introduced the Korean government's anti-corruption policies and discussed ways to support efforts to promote business ethics at the UN Global Compact Korea Leaders Summit.
- 외국공무원 대상 청렴교육 실시('15.5.20.)
ACRC runs anti-corruption training course for public officials from 15 countries
The ACRC organized the ACRC Training Course for International Anti-Corruption Practitioners designed to help build anti-corruption capacity of public officials from around the world.
- 권익위 청렴교육 받은 공직자, 청렴성 향상된 것으로 나타나('15.1.19.)
Public officials who received ACRC integrity education show improvement in integrity
The public officials who had received education at the Anti-Corruption Training Institute (ACTI) of the ACRC showed higher levels of integrity compared to those who did not.
- 행동강령 위반 공무원, 지난해 첫 감소 ▼6.6%('15.6.22.)
Code of conduct violations in the public sector down 6.6%
The number of public officials who violated the Code of Conduct for Public Officials in 2014 decreased by 6.6% to 1,965.
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