2022년 6월 영문 반부패 뉴스레터
- 작성자한은실
- 게시일2022-07-19
- 분류뉴스레터
- 조회수29,545
ACRC Korea Transparency Newsletter (June. 2022)
▷ Korea Made Outstanding Improvements in Open Budget Survey 2021 Issued by Int’l Budget Partnership
- Korea scored 74, 59, and 87 points (out of 100), ranking 11th, 1st, and 3rd in Transparency, Public Participation, and Budget Oversight, respectively
▷ ACRC-UNDP, Spreading Major Anti-Corruption Policy in Korea to Europe and Central Asia
- On June 23, Korea shared the policy performance and lessons learned from implementing the Anti-Corruption Initiatives Assessment with four countries, including Kosovo, via an online conference
▷ ACRC Set Out the Integrity & Ethics Compliance Program Guidelines
- Strengthening ESG Management of Public Institutions and International Anti-Corruption Standards Response, and Examining Agency and Providing Education for Institutions Planned
▷ ACRC to Assess “Conflict of Interest Act Compliance Efforts” of Public Institutions as Part of the 2022
Comprehensive Integrity Assessment
- ACRC informed 573 institutions of the Comprehensive Integrity Assessment Plan with finalized assessment items and indicators
▷ ACRC initiated Kazakhstan into Korea’s advanced anti-corruption policies, including the Corruption Risk
- At the Request of Kazakhstan, which has a high interest in Korea’s anti-corruption policies, a training course for public servants newly opened
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