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2022년 3월 영문 반부패 뉴스레터

  • 작성자한은실
  • 게시일2022-04-19
  • 분류뉴스레터
  • 조회수14,571

ACRC Korea Transparency Newsletter (Mar. 2022)


ACRC Is Committed to Resolve 20 Million Civil Complaints Yearly Filed with the Commission

- ACRC Chairperson Jeon Hyun-Heui Briefed on the Vision and Plan for Resolving Civil Complaints fundamentally

“A Third of Population Sought ACRC’s Help Last Year” The Commission Released Submission and Handling
Results of 17 Million Civil Complaints and Reports

- ACRC listened to the people via communication channels, including e-People, Integrated Government Call Center (110), People’s Idea Box, Clean Portal and Online Administrative Appeals

ACRC Chairperson Jeon Hyun-Heui Delivered a Keynote Speech at BIS Summit 2022 to Underscore the Need to
Practice Integrity and Ethical Management

- Chairperson Jeon asked private enterprises and public institutions to proactively implement K-CP, scheduled to be introduced this year

ACRC to Give the Reported an Opportunity to Explain to Secure Fairness and Objectivity in Handling Corruption Reports

- A balance of legal interests between protecting a reporting person and resolving concerns over false accusations and defamation of a reported person to be promoted

ACRC Released Basic Plan for 2022 Comprehensive Integrity Assessment of Public Institutions

- A total of 573 public institutions including central and local administrative agencies, education offices, public-service related organizations, national universities and public medical institutions to be subject to 2022 Comprehensive Integrity Assessment

ACRC Shared Current Status and Improvement Measures of Whistleblower Protection System of Korea
with International Community

- On the 29th, at G20 ACWG Meeting, the ACRC delivered presentation on Whistleblower Protection System

ACRC Recommended 255 Institutional Improvement Projects to Address Citizen Inconvenience and
Unjustness in Everyday Life in Last 5 Years with 98.7% Acceptance Rate of Agencies

- On 22nd, it reported the achievements of institutional improvement to the cabinet meeting, and published and distributed ACRC Casebook of 100 Institutional Improvement Projects

ACRC Took the Initiative to Protect Rights and Interests of People with Hansen’s Disease by Opening Ombudsman Center for People with Hansen’s Disease

- The Center will protect the rights and interests of people with Hansen’s disease, be dedicated to addressing their grievances about the living conditions and welfare of communities, and build systematic cooperation network with relevant organizations

ACRC saying “It Is Harsh to Expel Uned Migrated Woman Who Married a Korean Husband and Gave Birth”

- CAAC stressed the need to consider humanitarian circumstances to care for a 2-year-old child and generate income despite her duration of stay expired


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