2022년 2월 영문 반부패 뉴스레터
- 작성자한은실
- 게시일2022-03-22
- 분류뉴스레터
- 조회수14,611
ACRC Korea Transparency Newsletter (Feb. 2022)
▷ ACRC-TI Korea-KACS Discussed Anti-Corruption Strategy to Make It into the World’s Top 20
in CPI
- An Open Forum was Jointly Held to Discuss Ways to Improve CPI
▷ Public-Private Consultative Council for Transparent Society: “Corruption Perception Index of
Korea is Record High. More Efforts Are Needed to Eliminate Corruption in the Public and Private Sector”
- The 1st Public-Private Consultative Council for Transparent Society in 2022’ was held to discuss follow-up measures for the latest CPI
▷ ACRC Distributed Operational Guideline for Conflict of Interest Prevention Act to Help Public Organizations Lay
a Foundation for Law Enforcement Before Effectuation of the Act
- Approx. 14,900 public organizations should establish detailed rules and procedures for receipt and handling of reports, etc. and appoint officers in charge of conflict-of-interest prevention affairs
▷ The ACRC Listens to Experts and Partner Organizations to Spread Integrity and Ethical
Management Efforts
- The ACRC hosted policy meeting with six public companies, such as KEPCO and LH, to develop K-Integrity and Ethics Compliance Evaluation & Certification System (K-CP)
▷ The ACRC and the CIO Signed an MoU : Joining Forces to Address Violation of Rights Related to
Protection and Investigation of Whistle Blowers
- Chairperson Jeon Hyun-heui gave a special lecture on the Act on the Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Public Office
to the employess of CIO after signing an MOU
▷ ACRC to Introduce Conflict of Interest Prevention Act and Clean Portal at APEC Meeting
- ACRC made a presentation at a workshop organized by the host country (15th) and ACTWG meeting (17th) with a
presence of global anti-corruption experts
▷ ACRC, Protector of Citizens, to Resolve Difficulties of Foreign Companies Operating in Korea
- ACRC visited CanCham Korea to listen difficulties of foreign companies and discuss ways to resolve them
▷ Standing on the Side of Citizens, the ACRC Hosted a Forum on Ways to Develop Administrative
Appeals System for Stronger Protection of Citizens’ Rights and Interests
- The ACRC hosted a forum with experts from various fields, including academia and legal circles to discuss about
future direction of program operation
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