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영문 반부패 뉴스레터(2017년 상반기)

  • 작성자변규태
  • 게시일2017-07-21
  • 분류뉴스레터
  • 조회수2,351

영문 반부패 뉴스레터(2017년 상반기)

ACRC Korea Transparency Newsletter Spring/Summer 2017



▷ 신임 국민권익위원장 취임(’17.6.28)

Pak Un Jong Inaugurated as New ACRC Chairperson

Pak Un Jong took office as the new Chairperson of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) on June 28 at the Government Complex Sejong.


▷ 새 정부의 탄생과 반부패 국정과제

New Administration's Anti-Corruption Agenda

The new administration proclaimed that it will push forward with strong anti-corruption policies, which will be led by the ACRC as the nation's anti-corruption control tower.


▷ 권익위, 27일 제5회 ‘국민권익의 날’ 기념식 개최(’17.2.27)

ACRC Holds Commemorative Ceremony for "Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Day"

12 groups and 97 persons received awards for their contribution to enhancing the people's rights or spreading of a culture of integrity.


▷ 2016년 부패방지 시책평가 결과 발표(’17.1.19)

ACRC Announced Results of 2016 Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment

The Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment conducted for 266 public sector organizations indicated a close correlation with the results of the Integrity Assessment.


▷ 2017년 반부패‧청렴정책 추진지침 전달회의 개최(’17.2.8)

ACRC Announces the 2017 Anti-Corruption Policy Guidelines

The ACRC briefed public organizations on the 2017 Anti-Corruption Policy Guidelines, including improvement of laws and systems to prevent corruption and strengthening of protection for whistleblowers.


▷ 주한외국상공회의소 임원 초청 정책간담회 개최(’17.3.31)

ACRC Holds the Policy Briefing for Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Korea

The ACRC introduced the Korean government’s major anti-corruption policies and listened to difficulties and suggestions from foreign companies operating in Korea.


▷ 권익위, 튀니지 정부 방문단에 반부패 정책 연수 실시(’17.3.6)

Korea's Anti-Corruption Policies & Experiences Shared with Africa

The ACRC provided anti-corruption policy training course for the Tunisian government delegation from March 6 to 10.


▷ 권익위, 부패․공익신고 보상금 17억 3천여만 원 지급(’17.5.18)

ACRC Offers KRW 1.73 Billion in Compensation for Reporting Corruption or Public Interest Violation

The ACRC paid financial rewards worth KRW 1.73 billion to 332 reporting persons whose reports contributed to the recovery of improper benefits from January to May of 2017.


▷ 권익위, 취업제한 위반 비위면직자 적발(’17.3.27)

ACRC Uncovers Illegal Employment of Former Public Officials Dismissed for Corruption

The ACRC's inspection revealed that 8 former public officials, who had been dismissed for corruption, violated the post-employment restriction.


▷ 외국공무원 대상 청렴교육 실시(’17.4.17)

ACRC Runs the Anti-corruption Training Course for Public Officials from 14 Countries

The ACRC organized a training course designed to help build anti-corruption capacity of public officials from around the world from April 17th for 10 days.


▷ 권익위, 청렴도 낮은 기관에 ‘맞춤형 진단 처방’(’17.4.5)

ACRC Provides “Customized Assessment and Solutions” to Organizations with Low Integrity

The ACRC announced that it would offer integrity consulting to several organizations which have requested in-depth assessment and solutions regarding corruption-prone areas.


▷ 청탁금지법 시행 6개월, 관행적 청탁·금품수수에 제동(’17.4.11)

Improper Solicitation & Graft Act Puts the Brakes on Malfeasance After 6 Months of Operation

The ACRC declared that the enforcement of the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act has produced outcomes including the uncovering or restricting of improper solicitation, entertainment and bribery.


▷ 아태지역 반부패기관에 청탁금지법 시행 경험 소개(’17.5.24)

Improper Solicitation and Graft Act introduced to Asian-Pacific Anti-Corruption Bodies

Mr. Park Gye-ok, Standing Commissioner of the ACRC, presented the purpose of enacting the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act, its major articles, and social changes caused by its enactment.


▷ 사립학교·법인 부패 신고자도 법적 보호 받아…보상금 최고 30억원 지급(’17.4.18)

Reporting Persons in Private Schools and Educational Foundations Legally Protected and Rewarded with up to KRW 3 Billion

The ACRC amended the anti-corruption Act to protect those who report corruption in private schools and educational foundations.


▷ 권익위, 부패신고 이첩 통해 부당이득 6백여 억 원 적발(’17.4.27)

ACRC Uncovered KRW 60 Billion in Unfair Profits through Referred Reports

The ACRC posted the report on the investigation results of referred corruption and public interest violation cases on its website.


▷ 한국 ‘부패방지 시책평가’, 베트남에 도입(’17.3.17)

Korea’s Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment To Be Adopted in Vietnam

The ACRC, the Government Inspectorate of Vietnam and UNDP shared results from a pilot anti-corruption assessment conducted in Vietnam last year and discussed further development plans.


▷ 권익위, ‘기업 윤리경영 전문가’ 양성 지원(’17.6.1)

ACRC Supports Nurturing Business Ethics Experts

The ACRC offered its first business ethics course for internal experts, which is aimed at promoting and disseminating ethical business practices starting from June 2.

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