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영문 반부패 뉴스레터(2016년 하반기)

  • 작성자윤소영
  • 게시일2017-01-26
  • 분류뉴스레터
  • 조회수2,695
영문 반부패 뉴스레터(2016년 하반기)
ACRC Korea Transparency Newsletter Autumn/Winter 2016

- 국민권익위, 기업을 위한 반부패 가이드 보급(2016.12.15)
ACRC provides Business Ethics Guide for companies
The ACRC published "Business Ethics Guide" designed to help businesses build and implement a system and culture to prevent corruption.

- 정부 보조금 부정수급, 인건비 허위청구가 가장 많아(2016.12.14)
Illegal receipt of personnel expenses recorded highest among subsidy fraud cases
Among subsidy fraud cases the ACRC received, the false registration of employees most frequently took place with 29 cases.

- 국민권익위, ‘대한민국 청렴 컨퍼런스’ 개최(2016.12.9)
ACRC held "Korea Integrity Conference"
The ACRC and the Korean Network on Anti-Corruption & Transparency co-hosted a conference aimed to spread a culture of integrity across the country.

- 국민권익위, ‘국제 청렴 네트워크’에 창립 회원으로 참여(2016.12.9)
ACRC became a founding member of the "Network for Integrity"
The ACRC joined the "Network for Integrity" as a founding member, officially launched on December 9, which is the "International Anti-Corruption Day."

- 청탁금지법 위반 첫 사례, ‘떡값 위반’ 과태료 9만원 부과(2016.12.8)
First case of the Improper Solicitation & Graft Act
The court imposed a 90,000 won fine on a woman who breached the new anti-graft law by sending rice cakes to the police officer in charge of her legal case.

- 2016년 청렴콘텐츠 공모전 시상식 개최(2016.12.8)
ACRC awarded 2016 Integrity Contest winners
The ACRC hosted an award ceremony for best memoirs, book reviews, webtoons, and cultural performances with anti-corruption contents.

- 2016년 공공기관 청렴도 7.85점, 전년 대비 하락(2016.12.7)
2016 Integrity Index of Korea recorded 7.85
The ACRC released the results of 2016 Integrity Assessment on 606 public organizations. All public organizations are required to disclose the assessment results on their websites.

- 권익위-베트남 중앙내무위원회 간 반부패 MOU 연장(2016.10.14)
ACRC and Internal Affairs Commission of Vietnam extend MoU on anti-corruption
The anti-corruption agencies of Korea and Vietnam agreed to extend the term of the MoU on bilateral cooperation for an additional two years.

- 권익위-UNDP 반부패 협력 확대키로(2016.10.6)
ACRC and UNDP agree to expand cooperation in anti-corruption
Kyung-ho Park, Vice Chairperson of the ACRC, and Magdy Martinez-Soliman, Assistant Administrator of UNDP, agreed to share Korea's anti-corruption policies with the rest of the world.

- 청탁금지법, 9월 28일 시행(2016.9.28)
Improper Solicitation and Graft Act took effect on September 28
The new law prohibits improper solicitations to public officials, teachers and journalists as well as their acceptance of financial advantage exceeding 1 million won regardless of the intent of the offer.

- 아랍 반부패 장관회의에서 한국의 반부패 정책 소개(2016.9.6)
Korea's anti-corruption policies presented at the Arab Ministerial Conference
Kim In-Soo, Vice Chairperson of the ACRC, presented the efforts of the Korean government to improve its administrative transparency and accountability at a ministerial conference in Tunis.

- 국내 유입된 해외 범죄수익 반환 최초 합의(2016.7.28)
Korea-US agreement on the repatriation of criminal proceeds from abroad
The Korean and US authorities agreed to repatriate criminal proceeds worth about KRW 135 million from the US in accordance with the bilateral treaty.

- 상반기 부패신고 보상금 12억 8천여만 원 지급(2016.7.12)
KRW 1.28 billion paid to reporting persons in 1st half of 2016
The ACRC paid financial rewards worth KRW 1.28 billion to 47 reporting persons whose reports contributed to the recovery of improper benefits.

- 법무부, KBO 클린 스포츠 문화 확산을 위한 업무협약 체결(2016.5.31)
Ministry of Justice and KBO sign agreement to promote clean sporting culture
The Ministry of Justice and the Korea Baseball Organization agreed to cooperate to eradicate illegal gambling and ensure fair play.

- 민간부패 근절을 위한 ‘제3자 배임수재죄’ 신설(2016.5.19)
Criminal Law amended to eradicate private-to-private corruption
A public official who helps a third party to receive financial advantages in return for an improper solicitation will face criminal punishment and confiscation of his or her property.

- 해양수산부, 항만하역 표준계약서 마련(2016.4.6)
MOF draft standard contract for port loading and unloading
The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries drafted a "standard contract for port loading and unloading" in order to ensure the fair and transparent contract for port loading and unloading.

- 중소기업 지원사업에 대한 부당개입 차단 노력
Preventing unjust intervention in the SME support initiative
The Small and Medium Business Administration is striving to prevent unjust intervention in its SME support initiative, undermining confidence in the government and causing damage to businesses.

콘텐츠 정보책임자

  • 콘텐츠 관리부서
  • 전화번호

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