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영문 반부패 뉴스레터(2016년 상반기)

  • 작성자윤소영
  • 게시일2016-06-10
  • 분류뉴스레터
  • 조회수3,428
영문 반부패 뉴스레터(2016년 상반기)
ACRC Korea Transparency Newsletter Spring/Summer 2016

- 청탁금지법 시행령(안) 입법예고(2016.5.9)

ACRC announces the draft Enforcement Decree of the Improper Solicitation & Graft Act

The ACRC announced the draft Enforcement Decree to provide detailed guidelines on the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act to be enforced in September.

- 공직자 대상 반부패 교육, 청렴도평가 결과 공개 의무화(2016.3.3)

Anti-corruption training and disclosure of integrity scores to become mandatory

Under the revised anti-corruption Act, anti-corruption training and disclosure of the results of Integrity Assessment will become compulsory for public organizations.

- 한국-인도네시아 반부패 협력 확대한다(2016.5.16)

Korea and Indonesia step up anti-corruption cooperation

The ACRC extended the MoU with Corruption Eradication Commission of Indonesia on cooperation to prevent and eradicate corruption.

- '부패방지 4대 백신' 프로젝트 본격 가동(2016.1.12)

Korean government launches the '4 Corruption Vaccines Project'

The government launched a new anti-corruption project aimed to prevent corruption and irregularities inlarge-scale national projects.

- 2016년도 반부패·청렴정책 추진지침 전달회의 개최(2016.2.2)

ACRC announces the 2016 Anti-Corruption Policy Guidelines

The ACRC briefed public organizations on the 2016 Anti-Corruption Policy Guidelines, including creation of an open platform for integrity education and organization of an "Integrity Cluster."

- 부패방지 시책평가 등급 높아진 기관, 청렴도도 높아져(2016.2.22)

ACRC announced the results of 2015 Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment

The Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment conducted for 268 public sectororganizations indicated a close correlation with the results of the Integrity Assessment.

- 행동강령 위반 금품수수(授受) 공직자 징계 강화된다(2016.3.31)

Disciplinary actions to be toughened against graft of public officials

The revised guidelines will toughen the disciplinary standards for the public officials who give or receive graft in violation of the Code of Conduct.

- 권익위, 비위면직된 공직자 불법 재취업 적발(2016.3.14)

ACRC uncovers the illegal employment of public officials dismissed for corruption

The ACRC's inspection revealed that 7 public officials, who had been dismissed for corruption, violated the post-employment restriction.

- 권익위, 외국공무원 반부패 역량 증진에 앞장서(2016.5.17)

ACRC runs the anti-corruption training course for public officials from 11 countries

The ACRC organized a training course designed to help build anti-corruption capacity of public officials from around the world from May 16th for 10 days.

- 권익위-방위사업청-방위산업진흥회, 청렴생태계 조성 한뜻(2016.5.26)

ACRC-DAPA-KDIA join hands to enhance transparency in the defense sector

The ACRC, Defense Acquisition Program Administration, and Korea Defense Industry Association agreed to create an integrity ecosystem in the defense industry.

- 권익위, 광주-전남지역 청렴 클러스터 구축(2016.5.31)

ACRC built an integrity cluster in Gwangju/South Jeolla Province

An integrity cluster, a regional anti-corruption network, was formed in Gwangju/South Jeolla Province with Naju Innovation City as its center.

- 부패 유발하는 공직유관단체 사규 고친다(2016.5.3)

Removing corruption risks in the bylaws of public service-related organizations

The ACRC concluded an MoU with 6 public service-related organizations to identify and rectify corruption-prone factors in organizational bylaws.

- 권익위, 주한 외국상공회의소 임원 초청 정책간담회 개최(2016.3.30)

ACRC holds the policy briefing for foreign chambers of commerce in Korea

Korea's major anti-corruption policies to the executive members of foreign chambers of commerce in Korea.

- 권익위, 26일 제4회 '국민권익의 날' 기념식 개최(2016.2.26)

ACRC holds commemorative ceremony for "Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Day"

12 groups and 101 persons received awards for their contribution to enhancing the people's rights or spreading of a culture of integrity.

- 공공조달물자 납품검사 기준 더 엄격해진다(2016.1.22)

Inspection standards for public procurement to be tightened

The ACRC recommended tightening standards for inspection of goods procured for public agencies and sharing information about defective goods.

- 방위사업 청렴성 제고 국제 컨퍼런스 개최(2016.2.19)

International conference discusses enhancing transparency in defense industry
The Defense Acquisition Program Administration held the international conference to discuss the eradication of corruption in the defense industry.

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