영문 반부패 뉴스레터(2015년 하반기)
- 작성자윤소영
- 게시일2015-12-30
- 분류뉴스레터
- 조회수2,999
영문 반부패 뉴스레터(2015년 하반기)
ACRC Korea Transparency Newsletter Autumn/Winter 2015
- '15년도 공공기관 청렴도 7.89점, 전년 대비 0.11점 상승('15.12.9)
2015 Integrity Index of Korea increased to 7.89
The level of integrity in the public sector of Korea scored 7.89, slightly rising from last year according to 2015 Integrity Assessment.
- 권익위원장, UN반부패협약 이행에 대한 한국정부의 강력한 지지 표명('15.11.3)
ACRC Chairman reaffirms Korea's strong support for implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption
Chairman Lee expressed the Korean government's strong support for the implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption at the Conference of the States Parties.
- 전두환 일가 미국 내 재산 13억 환수('15.11.10)
Forfeited assets of former President Chun worth more than $1m returned to Korea
The forfeited assets of former President Chun Doo Hwan in the US worth $1,126,951 were returned to the Korean government.
- 한국의 반부패 정책 확산 위해 권익위-UNDP 손잡아('15.12.4)
ACRC and UNDP sign agreement for joint initiatives on anti-corruption
The ACRC and UNDP have affirmed their mutual interest to share anti-corruption experiences and lessons learnt from Korea with developing countries through UNDP's global network.
- 12월 9일 '세계 반부패의 날' 다양한 '반부패 주간' 행사 개최('15.12.9)
ACRC hosts "Anti-Corruption Week" events
In commemoration of "International Anti-Corruption Day" (December 9), the ACRC held a variety of anti-corruption events from December 1-9 it designated as "Anti-Corruption Week."
- 18개 공공기관 청렴옴부즈만 협의회 출범('15.12.9)
Council of Integrity Ombudsmen of public organizations was launched
The ACRC hosted the launching ceremony of the "Council of Integrity Ombudsmen" of public organizations in Seoul on December 9.
- 권익위, 최근 3년간 부패신고자에게 보상금 29억 원 지급('15.12.7)
Corruption reporters received KRW 2.9 billion for the past 3 years
For the past 3 years, the ACRC paid KRW 2.9 billion in reward for disclosures of corruption, while recovering KRW 43.8 billion in total.
- 권익위, 금년 공익신고 보상금 470건에 3억 7천만원 지급('15.12.10)
The ACRC paid KRW 370 million for 470 public interest whistleblowing cases in 2015
In 2015, the ACRC provided public interest whistleblowers with KRW 370 million in reward, a 13-fold increase from 2012.
- 공직자 외부강의 시 과도한 강의료 수수 금지('15.9.30)
Public officials to be prohibited from receiving excessive amount of honorarium
Public officials will be prohibited from receiving an excessive amount of honorarium when giving outside lectures related to their official duties.
- 권익위, '청렴 수기 공모전' 입상작 23편 선정('15.9.22)
The ACRC announced 23 winners of the Integrity Essay Contest
Lee Ho-kwon won the first prize of the Integrity Essay Contest hosted by the ACRC with his essay titled, "What facilitation fee means in Korea."
ACRC Korea Transparency Newsletter Autumn/Winter 2015
- '15년도 공공기관 청렴도 7.89점, 전년 대비 0.11점 상승('15.12.9)
2015 Integrity Index of Korea increased to 7.89
The level of integrity in the public sector of Korea scored 7.89, slightly rising from last year according to 2015 Integrity Assessment.
- 권익위원장, UN반부패협약 이행에 대한 한국정부의 강력한 지지 표명('15.11.3)
ACRC Chairman reaffirms Korea's strong support for implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption
Chairman Lee expressed the Korean government's strong support for the implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption at the Conference of the States Parties.
- 전두환 일가 미국 내 재산 13억 환수('15.11.10)
Forfeited assets of former President Chun worth more than $1m returned to Korea
The forfeited assets of former President Chun Doo Hwan in the US worth $1,126,951 were returned to the Korean government.
- 한국의 반부패 정책 확산 위해 권익위-UNDP 손잡아('15.12.4)
ACRC and UNDP sign agreement for joint initiatives on anti-corruption
The ACRC and UNDP have affirmed their mutual interest to share anti-corruption experiences and lessons learnt from Korea with developing countries through UNDP's global network.
- 12월 9일 '세계 반부패의 날' 다양한 '반부패 주간' 행사 개최('15.12.9)
ACRC hosts "Anti-Corruption Week" events
In commemoration of "International Anti-Corruption Day" (December 9), the ACRC held a variety of anti-corruption events from December 1-9 it designated as "Anti-Corruption Week."
- 18개 공공기관 청렴옴부즈만 협의회 출범('15.12.9)
Council of Integrity Ombudsmen of public organizations was launched
The ACRC hosted the launching ceremony of the "Council of Integrity Ombudsmen" of public organizations in Seoul on December 9.
- 권익위, 최근 3년간 부패신고자에게 보상금 29억 원 지급('15.12.7)
Corruption reporters received KRW 2.9 billion for the past 3 years
For the past 3 years, the ACRC paid KRW 2.9 billion in reward for disclosures of corruption, while recovering KRW 43.8 billion in total.
- 권익위, 금년 공익신고 보상금 470건에 3억 7천만원 지급('15.12.10)
The ACRC paid KRW 370 million for 470 public interest whistleblowing cases in 2015
In 2015, the ACRC provided public interest whistleblowers with KRW 370 million in reward, a 13-fold increase from 2012.
- 공직자 외부강의 시 과도한 강의료 수수 금지('15.9.30)
Public officials to be prohibited from receiving excessive amount of honorarium
Public officials will be prohibited from receiving an excessive amount of honorarium when giving outside lectures related to their official duties.
- 권익위, '청렴 수기 공모전' 입상작 23편 선정('15.9.22)
The ACRC announced 23 winners of the Integrity Essay Contest
Lee Ho-kwon won the first prize of the Integrity Essay Contest hosted by the ACRC with his essay titled, "What facilitation fee means in Korea."
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