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Mediating a Collective Complaint on the Inconveniences of Using a Bus Stop

  • Date2023-11-22
  • Hit335

Mediating a Collective Complaint on the Inconveniences of Using a Bus Stop by “Installing a Pedestrian Path”


- ACRC resolved a collective complaint filed by 1,304 apartment households through the consultation with Yangju-si and LH -


(October 5 2023, ACRC)


The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC, Chairperson Kim Hong-Il) mediated and resolved a collective complaint filed by future residents of the apartment complex in district A18 of Yangju Hoecheon New Town, who need to take a detour for hundreds of meters or traverse a green buffer zone in order to reach a nearby bus stop.


ACRC provided mediation to install a pedestrian path within the green buffer zone, ensuring residents’ convenient access to the bus stop through consultations with Yangju-si, responsible for managing the zone, and Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH), the operator of the apartment housing construction project.


District A18 is an area designated for the construction of a large apartment complex accommodating 1,304 households. In order for the residents to access the bus stop located on the north side of the complex, they should either take a detour for hundreds of meters using the front gate or traverse a 10-meter green buffer zone located between the apartment and the bus stop.


The green buffer zone serves as a facility designed to prevent pollution, including air pollution, noise and vibration, odors, other equivalent pollution, as well as various accidents and natural disasters.


In July, future residents filed a grievance complaint with ACRC, urging the installation of a pedestrian path, claiming that it is inconvenient to take a long detour and is not safe to traverse the green buffer zone to access the nearby bus stop.

ACRC formulated mediated plans in consultation with Yangju-si and LH, based on the cases where other local governments had installed pedestrian paths within green zones to address inconveniences faced by majority of residents.


According to the mediation, LH will develop installation plans for a pedestrian path linking the apartment complex to the bus stop, based on which it will install the pathway that will directly connect the bus stop and the path within the apartment before the moving-in day of District A18 in January 2024.


Yangju-si also agreed to the installation of the pedestrian path and will collaborate starting with the planning stage to address the grievances of residents.


ACRC Vice Chairperson Kim Tae-Gyu said, “Yangju-si and LH displayed a deep understanding of the inconveniences anticipated by future residents and engaged in the mediation of ACRC, resulting in the resolution of the collective complaint. It is a relief that the mediation ensured 1,304 incoming households to access the bus stop conveniently from the very first day of their residency in the apartment.”


  • docx 첨부파일
    5. (231005) Mediating a Collective Complaint on the Inconveniences of Using a Bus Stop by “Installing a Pedestrian Path”.docx