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Colombia introduces Corruption Risk Assessment from the ACRC

  • Date2021-05-14
  • Hit629

Colombia introduces Corruption Risk Assessment from the ACRC


- ACRC-UNDP held a webinar for introduction of Corruption Risk Assessment program for the Colombian public officials in the Administrative Department of the Public Service on 21st -


(22 April. 2021, ACRC)

The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (Chairperson: Jeon Hyun-Heui; ACRC) held a video conference in collaboration with United Nations Development Program (UNDP) for the Colombian public officials in the Administrative Department of the Public Service on 21st of this month in order to share information and know-how for Colombia to introduce Corruption Risk Assessment program, which prevents corruption in the public sector in advance.


The Corruption Risk Assessment is a system that keeps corruption from taking place by eliminating or improving factors causing corruption in laws and regulations. The ACRC assesses four areas compliance, execution, administrative procedures, and corruption control of newly established and revised laws and regulations through 11 criteria, such as the risk of conflict of interest, and suggests improvement on unsatisfactory areas.


This meeting was attended by five Colombian public officials; including Director Andriana Vargas who is responsible for general management of greater citizen participation and transparency at the Administrative Department of the Public Service, six members of Corruption Risk Assessment Team at the UNDP Colombia, and working-level staff from the UNDP Seoul Policy Center and the ACRC. The 21 participants discussed ways to successfully introduce Korea’s Corruption Risk Assessment program to Colombia.


Beginning with this seminar, the ACRC will share its experience and know-how on the Corruption Risk Assessment and support Colombian public officials in developing indices suitable for their local situations.


The ACRC signed an MoU with the UNDP to share Korea’s anti-corruption policies with other developing countries in 2015. Starting with a program for Vietnam in 2016 and 2017, the two organizations have carried out an intensive training program to share anti-corruption policy measures, including Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment, by selecting a target country every year.


Until 2021, the ACRC has conducted training programs on its representative anti-corruption policy measures, Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment and Corruption Risk Assessment, for Vietnam, Moldova, Myanmar, Kosovo, Iraq, Malaysia, and Uzbekistan.


In March this year, Afghanistan Anti-Corruption Commission held a webinar with the ACRC and the UNDP to introduce Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment and Corruption Risk Assessment, and promised to continue its exchange and cooperation with the UNDP in the future.


“The ACRC will continue its efforts to make Korea’ excellent anti-corruption policy measures global standards by constantly supporting with the UNDP the successful introduction and continued implementation of Korea’s anti-corruption policy in developing countries,” said Chairperson Jeon Hyun-Heui of the ACRC.

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