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ACRC Holds Foreign Business Ombudsman Meeting

  • Date2021-03-26
  • Hit1,525

“ACRC Holds Foreign Business Ombudsman Meeting”

- On March 26, ACRC Met with Executives of Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Korea, including AMCHAM Board of Director Chair Jeffrey Jones, to hold Foreign Business Ombudsman Meeting-


□ The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission met with CEOs of foreign companies operating in Korea and talk about business-related issues including ‘the ACRC Foreign Enterprises Ombudsman’ launched to secure foreign businesses in Korea a fair business environment where there is no infringement on their rights and interests.    

’The ACRC Foreign Enterprises Ombudsman’ was launched on the 10th of March to receive from foreign companies in Korea reports of various corruption and public interest violation, complaints, administrative appeal application, and Improper Solicitation and Graft Act inquiries. The received cases will be assigned to a dedicated consultant, who will provide a comprehensive support including translation and interpretation as well as follow-up management.


□ On the morning of March 26, at the Westin Josun Seoul in Jung-gu, Seoul, the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission held a policy roundtable with executives of Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Korea to introduce the Korean government’s major anti-corruption policies and listen to difficulties global companies experienced in Korea.


□ The meeting was attended by around ten executives of foreign Chambers of Commerce in Korea, including Mr. Jeffrey D. Jones, Chairman of the Board of Governors of American Chamber of Commerce in Korea, Mr. Sean Blakeley, President of British Chamber of Commerce in Korea, Mr. Christoph Heider, President of European Chamber of Commerce in Korea, Mr. Rocky Yoo, Chair of Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Korea.


□ At the meeting, the executives of Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Korea were informed by the ACRC that foreign companies doing business in Korea could contact the newly launched Foreign Enterprises Ombudsman to: report a case of corruption·public interest violation; file complaints; apply for administrative appeals; and request for legislative interpretation in the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act and receive consultation thereon.


The executives of foreign chambers of commerce in Korea said, “The Foreign Enterprises Ombudsman will be a great help to foreign companies doing business in Korea.” They told officials from the ACRC that they will promote the new ombudsman service to their partner companies.


□ The ACRC also shared with the foreign business leaders its anti-corruption and civil rights protection efforts, which include: implementation status on the Act on the Prevention of Conflict of Interest for Public Officials which is to prevent public officials from seeking private interest; development of ethical management program; and improvement on unreasonable laws and regulations.


□ An ACRC Official said, “Without securing foreign companies in Korea a good business environment where there is no corruption and infringement on interests, it will be difficult for Korea to be among the top 20s in the Corruption Perception Index (CPI). The ACRC will make its utmost to make a good business environment for foreign companies, where there is no corruption and illegal and unfair administration.”

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