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ACRC Opened an Exclusive Webpage to Receive Civil Complaints and Corruption and Public Interest Viol

  • Date2021-03-15
  • Hit677

ACRC Opened an Exclusive Webpage to Receive Civil Complaints and Corruption and Public Interest Violation Reports Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination


- Citizens Can File a Civil Compliant on e-People and Report on a Public Interest Violation on Clean Portal Since Feb 26 -

(2 March 2021, ACRC)

Anyone who has questions about who and when can be inoculated, complaints or improvement requests regarding COVID-19 vaccination can get help through e-People, which is a portal that the ACRC operates to allow citizens to engage.


On the 26th of the last month, the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (Chairperson Jeon Hyun-Heui, ACRC) opened a webpage exclusively designed to receive civil complaints and public interest reporting related to COVID-19 vaccination on the e-People website (www.epeople.go.kr). Citizens can also visit the Government Complaints Counseling Center (1st floor of the Annex of the Government Complex Seoul) in person or its website (www.counseling.go.kr) to file a complaint and be counseled.


The ACRC is going to analyze civil complaints on COVID-19 vaccination received via e-People and the Government Complaints Counseling Center to identify issues that cause inconvenience to many people and receive many improvement requests before taking action in collaboration with concerned agencies.

Meanwhile, the Commission will receive reports about violations of public interests and related improper solicitations that might disrupt safe COVID-19 vaccination through the Clean Portal website (www.clean.go.kr).


Reports can be made for any acts of violating public interests that include obstructing medical treatment, damaging medicine, issuing a false vaccination certificate, and circulating a video clip containing false information about vaccines, as well as improper solicitations to be prioritized for inoculation.


The ACRC is going to keep information about whistleblowers who report on corruption and public interest violations regarding the vaccination strictly confidential, and take proactive protection measures, such as personal security protection and exemption of responsibility, on them.


The ACRC Chairperson Jeon Hyun-Heui said that "as COVID-19 vaccination is directly related to people's life and safety, we will timely respond to civil complaints and public interest violations regarding the vaccination so that all the citizens feel reassured to get the vaccines."