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The 19th IACC of 2020 postponed to December

  • Date2020-05-13
  • Hit927

The 19th IACC of 2020 postponed to December

- The Conference expected to be held on 1-4 December at BEXCO in Busan due to COVID-19 -


May 11, 2020

Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission

The Republic of Korea


The 19th edition of the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC), which is the largest anti-corruption forum and was originally planned to take place from the 2-5 of June 2020, has been postponed until December this year due to the global spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC, Chairperson Pak Un Jong) and Transparency International (TI) have decided to hold the 19th IACC from the 1-4 of December this year at Busan Exhibition and Convention Center (BEXCO) located in the metropolitan city of Busan.

The 9th session of the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) Assembly of Parties, which was scheduled to occur along with the original timeline of the 19th IACC, has been also postponed to take place from 30 November to 1 December in BEXCO.

The decision of the postponement of the conference was made after the ACRC and TI had agreed to put their highest priority on the health and safety of Korean citizens and the event attendees when the novel coronavirus have affected all around the world.

The hosting parties also considered that it would be too risky to carry on hosting the event in which some 2,000 individuals from 140 nations are expected to take part at a time when countries around the world are taking strict virus control measures, including restrictions on domestic and overseas travels and movements and large gatherings as well as social distancing.

Changes in registration, programs, side events and more that will follow the postponement will soon be announced on the official Korean website of the 19th IACC*

* http://www.iacc2020.kr

Pak Un Jong, the Chairperson of the ACRC asked for understanding by stating that “the decision to delay the conference was inevitable as it was reached when the world has been in an urgent need for global collaboration in overcoming the coronavirus crisis.”

Chairperson Pak added that “the 19th IACC will serve as a meaningful opportunity where we discuss important agenda, such as government transparency, citizens’ sense of responsibility and trust, and the importance of correct information, which bear more significance than ever in Korea in the midst of the pandemic crisis. Therefore, we as hosts are committed to delivering a safer and more successful 19th edition of the IACC.”



Overview of the 19th IACC

(Name) The International Anti-Corruption Conference

(Dates & Venue) 1 December 2020 (Tue) - 4 December 2020 (Fri) at BEXCO in Busan

(Hosts) The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission & Transparency International*

* Transparency International: a non-governmental organization founded in 1993 with the mission of eradicating global and national corruption. It publishes ranks and scores of 176 countries on their corruption perception index each year.

(Purpose) The largest international anti-corruption forum in which individuals from both public and private anti-corruption communities come together to seek opportunities for exchange and cooperation and share information once every two years

(Participants) 2,000 attendees from the government, academia, civil society and media in 140 states

(Theme) Designing 2030: Truth, Trust and Transparency

(Programs) Main events (opening & closing ceremonies, plenary sessions and workshops) and side events (film festival, music concert, etc.)

< Program details >



Plenary session

To welcome all conference participants in discussing eight topics including future integrity strategies, global collaboration to tackle dirty money, and transparency standards for good governance


To host around 100 to 200 participants in some 50 sessions on a wide range of anti-corruption agenda, such as business, the environment, human rights, refugees etc.

Side event

Films for transparency

To screen films with the theme of investigative journalism, whistleblowing and other anti-corruption issues

Integrity concert

To be open to the public for conversations on social justice and corruption issues with prominent experts from anti-corruption communities at home and abroad

Fair play music concert

To put on anti-corruption themed performances of young musicians who have won a global competition