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ACRC uncovered and charged five discharged public officials illegally employed

  • Date2017-10-12
  • Hit705

ACRC uncovered and charged five discharged public officials illegally employed


October 12, 2017

Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission

The Republic of Korea



A had worked at the Ministry of 00 and received bribery when serving as an official in charge of new apartment construction. A was dismissed in February 2013 but was employed by a company that supervised construction before A’s dismissal.


B had belonged to 00 Gun, written an official falsifying damages by typhoon, and done stonework construction. B was dismissed in November 2016 but was employed by a company in goods delivery agreement with his former employer.


C had worked at the 00 Research Institute and received bribery after giving special favors to a company in contract. C was dismissed in December 2016 but was employed by a company in goods delivery agreement with his former employer.


D had worked at the Ministry of 00 and received bribery from a duty related person. D was dismissed in discharged in December 2016 but was employed by a company that is supervised by his former employer.


E had belonged to 00 Si(city) and received bribery from a duty related company. E was removed in December 2016 but was employed by a company that had offered golf service to him before.


Five former public officials who had been dismissed after committing unlawful acts were exposed to be re-employed by companies that had offered them bribery.

Three out of them were uncovered following the revision of the Act on Anti-Corruption and the Establishment and Operation of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, which expanded the scope of organizations that are prohibited from employing dismissed public officials. The result shows the effects of revision.

The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) exposed five former public officials who were dismissed while in public office due to corruption and later violated a regulation prohibiting them from getting a job in corruption related organizations. The ACRC charged all of them and requested to revoke employment of two who are still working.


Under Article 82 (Restrictions on Employment of Public Officials Dismissed for Corruption) of the Act, any public official who mandatorily retires or is dismissed or discharged from office for committing an act of corruption in connection with his/her duties while in office, or any former public official who is sentenced by a court to a fine of three million won or severer punishment for committing an act of corruption in connection with his/her duties while in office is banned from being employed in the institution to which he or she belonged to for five years before his or her dismissal or for-profit enterprise which is directly related with his or her corruption for five years from the date of his or her dismissal.

In the first half of this year, the ACRC checked the employment status of 1,751 former public officials who were removed from the public post in the past five years (between January 2012 and December 2016) due to corruption. Five of them were found to violate a regulation regarding employment.

The revision of act led to more exposure of violated cases; for example, B and C were uncovered as the scope of profit-making enterprises subject to prohibition was deleted, and E as the article about corruption related organizations was added.

The ACRC requested organizations where those five former public officials used to work before to charge them, as well as to revoke employment status of A and C who are still working.

An official at the ACRC said, “the ACRC will continue to strictly limit re-employment of former public officials dismissed due to unlawful acts. It will contribute to preventing any possible corruption by public officials and improving integrity”