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The ACRC Uncovered KRW 60 Billion in Unfair Profits through Referred Reports

  • Date2017-04-27
  • Hit945

A total of 202 people sent to prosecution, results posted on website


The ACRC analyzed investigation results of the cases it referred to investigative authorities between January and April this year, and proceeds of corruption of as much as KRW 60.3 billion are to be collected or redeemed.

In addition, 202 people were sent to prosecution for indictment, with 43 of those being subject to disciplinary measures, according to the ACRC report on the investigation results of referred corruption and public interest cases, published on April 27.

According to the report, showing the investigation results by investigative agencies such as the Korean National Police Agency of the cases referred to by the ACRC from January to April 2017, the majority of the amount uncovered, KRW 48.9 billion (81.1%), was in the construction and transport sector, followed by in R&D support funds swindling, KRW 9.4 billion (15.6%).

The ACRC revealed that two employees of a company hired by a public corporation for the administration of highway tolls swindled about KRW 600 million through falsified invoices. They, as well as nine employees of the public corporation who helped them or tacitly permitted their actions, were put to trial.

According to the ACRC report, four people were also sent to prosecution for swindling KRW 4.8 billion by falsely registering individuals who actually did not participate as researchers and fabricating purchase lists of unnecessary products in a government-funded R&D project.

In accordance with the Act on Anti-Corruption and the Establishment and Operation of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (the Anti-Corruption ACRC Act), for reporters of corruption, the ACRC offers complete protection of reporter’s identity and provides compensation of up to KRW 3 billion* when the income of a public organization is recovered as the result of the report.

* Up to KRW 2 billion for public interest whistleblowing

The ACRC also announced that it will post the results of referred cases on its website  every month. By informing people of corruption and public interest reporting, the ACRC aims to improve public awareness and promote reporting.