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ACRC published "Anti-Corruption Guidelines for Companies"

  • Date2017-04-03
  • Hit4,210

Guidelines on anti-corruption activities such as whistleblowing, prohibition of improper solicitation, and integrity training

The ACRC published "Anti-Corruption Guidelines for Companies" designed to help businesses voluntarily build and implement a system and culture to prevent corruption.

With the enforcement of the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act on September 28, there has been a growing consensus that not only the public sector but also the private sector should make active anti-corruption efforts in order to improve the integrity level of Korean society as a whole.

"Anti-Corruption Guidelines for Companies" contains proposals for organization, budget, system, and corporate culture to prevent corruption within corporations. It provides five-staged guidelines in detail: planning, standard-setting, implementation, cooperation, and evaluation and improvement.

On "planning" stage, a business is advised to come up with a master plan, including systematic anti-corruption activities that live up to its future strategies and goals. Then, with an anti-corruption "control tower", where chief executive officer's commitments are reflected, the whole process from "planning" to "evaluation and improvement" should be comprehensively managed.

"Standard-setting" stage suggests that integrity standards for internal staff should be drawn up and shared, after taking staff members' opinions into account. Also, senior executives should express their commitment to take the lead in implementing these standards.

"Implementation" stage proposes that various corruption prevention measures should be adopted and implemented such as corruption reporting system, public interest whistleblowing system, system to prevent the offer and acceptance of money and other financial advantages and improper solicitation, and integrity training program.

Main elements of corruption prevention systems
  • Whistleblowing system of corruption and public interest violation: to run a whistleblowing channel to receive and address corruption and public interest violation reports from both in and outside of a company, and to come up with whistleblower protection procedures. 
  • Prohibition of the offer and acceptance of money and improper solicitation: to manage the system for reporting the offer and acceptance of money and other advantages and the clean-card system, and to build the improper solicitation disclosure system. 
  • Internal audit system: to disclose procedures, criteria, results, etc. of the audit, while reconsidering the scope of audit with the expansion of the concept of "corruption." 
  • Reward/punishment system: to draw up and share reward/punishment rules, in order to encourage staff members' voluntary corruption prevention activities.  Integrity training program: to improve integrity mindset of staff members through integrity training in various forms such as game, theater, concert, etc.

"Cooperation" stage is about strengthening anti-corruption cooperation between a business and duty-related parties such as business partners, subsidiaries, local governments, and various economic organizations, while maintaining continuous anti-corruption network.

Finally, "evaluation and improvement" stage will assess a business's corruption prevention efforts and achievements and reflect such results into the next planning process, while considering providing incentives to division (staff) with good results, and disclosing the results both in and outside of the company.

"Anti-Corruption Guidelines for Companies" will be distributed to corporations, research institutions, and colleges through the ACRC’s monthly webzine "Business Ethics Briefs". The Guidelines is also available to the general public via the ACRC’s website (www.acrc.go.kr).

An official from the ACRC said, "as the public and private sectors are closely connected two main pillars of our society, they should play a balanced role in preventing corruption. The ACRC will strengthen its multi-faceted support so that anti-corruption and ethical practices take root among businesses."

  • pdf 첨부파일
    Anti-Corruption Guidelines for Companies (December 2016).pdf