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Korea's Anti-Corruption Policies & Experiences Shared with Africa

  • Date2017-03-06
  • Hit1,919

국민권익위 방문한 튀니지 정부 방문단

튀니지 정부 방문단, 반부패.청렴정책 연수차 국민권익위 방문

The excellence of Korea’s anti-corruption and integrity policies crossed oceans to reach the African continent.

The ACRC announced to provide anti-corruption policy training course to a Tunisian government delegation from March 6 to the 10.

This training was taken place through an official request from the Tunisian government to the Korean government last October for capacity building training for their anti-corruption commission (Instance Nationale de Lutte Contre la Corruption, INLUCC). The Tunisian delegation consisted of seven trainees, including the president of the commission Mr. Chawki Tabib and national assembly member Mr. Lotfi Nabli.

* Tunisia’s INLUCC is an anti-corruption authority, established in November 2011 after the Jasmine Revolution known as the Arab Spring. It takes charge of anti-corruption policy development and corruption investigations for both public and private sectors.

* President Chawki Tabib is a founding president of the Arab Lawyers’ Association, a president of the Tunisian Lawyers’ Association, and a founding member of the National Dialogue Quartet, a 2015 Nobel Peace Prize winner.

The training was supported by the KOICA-UNDP democracy support project (2016-2019). The contents of the course covers Korea’s anti-corruption system, including the Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment (AIA), the reporter protection system, and e-People.

The ACRC and the INLUCC began cooperating to fight corruption through the establishment of e-People under the bilateral MOU, signed in December 2012 and renewed last February, aimed at cooperation for informatization.

The ACRC stated that their continuous efforts toward anti-corruption will help establishing a culture of anti-corruption in Africa and the Middle East with Tunisia at the center, and this training will lay the foundation for fairer competitions for Korean companies operating in the region.