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ACRC awarded winners of the Integrity Contest 2016

  • Date2017-02-06
  • Hit1,483

The ACRC hosted an award ceremony in Seoul on December 8 for the Anti-Corruption and Integrity Content Contest for best memoirs, book reviews, webtoons, and cultural performances from real-life experiences. The ceremony presented the winning performances and displayed the awarded works.

The ACRC held a nationwide Anti-Corruption and Integrity Content Contest 2016 from May 23 to November 11 to spread and promote a sense of integrity.

A total of 1,493 pieces were submitted from 6 categories: memoirs, book reviews, contents (video clips, webtoons, and s), and cultural performances.

Based on expert evaluations, the ACRC awarded a total of 104 pieces: 23 memoirs, 12 webtoons, 11 UCC (User-Created Contents) video clips, 12 s, 38 book reviews and 8 cultural performances.

The Commission is planning to publish these works as collections, distribute them to various levels of public institutions and upload them to the websites of the Anti-Corruption Training Institute (www.acrc.go.kr/edu) and of the Integrity Contest (www.integritycontents.kr) so that they can be used as educational materials.