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Ministry of Justice and KBO sign agreement to promote clean sporting culture

  • Date2016-05-31
  • Hit1,074

The Korean Ministry of Justice and the Korea Baseball Organization (KBO) agreed to cooperate to eradicate illegal gambling, ensure fair play based on sportsmanship, establish a mature spectator culture, and eventually make baseball a cleaner and more enjoyable sport.

The Ministry and KBO signed a "Business Agreement for the Promotion of Caring, Rule of Law and Clean Baseball Culture" at Jamsil Baseball Stadium, Seoul on May 31, with the attendance of Minister of Justice, Hyun-Woong Kim, KBO President, Bon-neung Koo, President of the LG Twins, Mun Beom Shin, and President of the KIA Tigers, Han-Woo Park.

Both parties agreed to foster a law-abiding spirit in order to create a caring and law abiding society. Both parties also agreed to jointly conduct a range of projects, such as anti-corruption programs for trainers, athletes and umpires, including: a campaign against illegal gambling; a rule of law campaign for spectators inside and outside of the stadium with reference to a "mature" cheering culture; and the operation of baseball clubs for disadvantaged youth.

This agreement was signed as part of the "Caring, Clean Sports Campaign," on the heels of its preceding agreement between the Ministry of Justice and the Korean Basketball League (KBL).

The Ministry and KBO will take this agreement as an opportunity to promote sportsmanship mindful of fairness, and strive to create a social environment in which people follow rules and laws without violation.

Both parties plan to offer KBO rookies annual anti-corruption compliance training, and join together with other professional baseball clubs as well as the LG Twins and the KIA Tigers to conduct a variety of compliance campaigns.