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ACRC announces the 2016 Anti-Corruption Policy Guidelines

  • Date2016-02-02
  • Hit1,025
On February 2, the ACRC held a meeting at the Korea Railway Corporation to present the 2016 Anti-Corruption Policy Guidelines to inspection officials from about 1,300 public organizations, including central government agencies, local governments, offices of education, and public service-related agencies.

At this meeting, the ACRC explained various policies and specific guidelines to spread a culture of integrity, such as creating an open platform for integrity education and supporting the private sector to enhance integrity, and requested the active cooperation of public organizations at all levels.

The ACRC's anti-corruption policies communicated to public organizations are as follows:

Spreading a culture of integrity throughout society
   - Establishing an "open platform for integrity education" for the public and private sectors to share
      integrity education contents
   - Organizing an "Integrity Cluster," a consultative body for integrity policies between the ACRC and
      public companies that were moved to "innovation cities"
   - Developing the "Business Ethics Guide" to support the voluntary anti-corruption activities of businesses

Establishing a solid foundation for the implementation of new laws and regulations
   - Raising public awareness of the revised Act on the Protection of Public Interest Whistleblowers
      that came into force on January 25
   - Preparing for the stable enforcement of the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act to be implemented
      in September this year

Improving abnormal practices in corruption-prone areas through cooperation between public organizations
   - Identifying and improving the areas that are operated exclusively due to academic or regional ties or
      have possibilities of collusive ties between the public and private sectors
   - Identifying and removing the corruption-causing factors in bylaws of public-service related organizations
      that are closely related to the people's daily lives.

Preventing the leakage of public finance
   - Making efforts to ly enact the bill on the Prevention of False Claims of Public Funds,
      which was submitted to the National Assembly last year
   - Enhancing the training of public officials in charge of government subsidies to prevent false claims
      on subsidies and evasion of surtax

Sung Yung-hoon, Chairman of the ACRC, stated, "There will be many hurdles in correcting all the wrong practices that have been rooted in society for a long time. But I believe that if the ACRC and all the public organizations gather wisdom and move forward step by step, 'integrity' will become the new paradigm of our society. I ask all of you to exert unwavering and devoted efforts to carry out the anti-corruption policies with a sense of duty."