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The ACRC recommends improvement of "abnormal personnel management practices" in public organizations

  • Date2015-01-08
  • Hit1,310
April 10, 2014

The ACRC pushes forward the improvement of abnormal personnel management practices in public organizations such as illegal solicitation or influence peddling in relation to employment or promotion.

The ACRC recommended a series of measures to improve abnormal personnel management practices in public organizations to 295 public organizations and the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, which is the supervisory ministry of all public organizations.

The ACRC's recommendations include specifying the personnel management regulations, including the recruitment methods, screening process, and special selection; and improving the screening and exam regulations by unifying various kinds of screening standards and prohibiting arbitrary changes in the notice of job openings.

Moreover, the ACRC recommended creating and operating the guidelines for special selection and strengthening the management and supervision by the headquarters of public organizations on the recruitment and screening process of their local offices.

In addition, it recommended mandatory screening by the promotion screening committee and introduction of an exclusion and challenge system for committee members who participate in the recruitment or promotion examination.

The ACRC also recommended that public organizations type exam questions using the "question bank method" to prevent leakage of exam information, and reinforce the management and supervision on the entrusted exam administration agencies by toughening civil and criminal liabilities for the leakage of exam information related to personnel affairs.

An ACRC official said, "The implementation of these recommendations will contribute to increasing fairness and transparency in personnel affairs in public organizations by decreasing the pervasive conventional practices of solicitation related to personnel affairs."