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ACRC recommends applying bribery charges against civilians who conduct public duties

  • Date2014-01-02
  • Hit1,442
 The ACRC recommended all central government agencies should draw up rules that apply "bribery charges" against employees of public service-related organizations or civilian members of various government committees who received bribes, in addition to public officials and employees of public companies and quasi-government agencies.
Under the Criminal Act, a "bribery charge" is applied if the recipient of a bribe is a public official or an arbitrator, while "bribery by breach of trust" is applied in other cases. Bribery is more severely punished according to the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes.
The ACRC's recommendations included: creating punitive rules to strictly punish employees of public service-related organizations who accepted bribes in the same way as public officials; strengthening punishment against the bribery of a civilian member of a government committee who carries out an important public duty; and drawing up such rules when a new committee is created.
Additionally, the ACRC recommended that aggravated penalty should be imposed on the recipient of a bribe who conducts duties commissioned from a public organization to the same extent as a public official who received a bribe.