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ACRC holds debriefing session of integrity expert & integrity coach programs

  • Date2014-01-02
  • Hit1,580
On November 28 and 29, the ACRC held debriefing sessions and awards ceremonies of the "College Student Integrity Expert Program" and the "Integrity Coach Program," respectively.
The "College Student Integrity Expert Program" is for college students to create and use promotional and educational contents on integrity to raise public awareness and educate public officials and citizens on anti-corruption issues. From July to November, 56 college students selected by the ACRC grouped into teams of 4 to 6 students, and designed and created firsthand educational and promotional contents on integrity.
"Integrity is growth" Team from Soongsil University was awarded the first prize. The team was highly appreciated for its board game to learn about the social costs caused by corruption using fun elements. Other creative and diverse contents included the artwork, "Integrity Waterwheel," which delivers the message that integrity is the power engine for national development, and the photo exhibition of disasters attributable to corrupt practices such as the collapse of Sampoong Department Store and Seongsu Bridge.
The "Integrity Coach Program" is for undergraduate and graduate students to develop integrity training programs for the youth and to train them using those programs. From July to November, a total of 14 integrity coaches participated in this program. From July to August, the integrity coaches grouped into teams and developed education programs to raise the awareness of the youth on integrity focusing on practical training and experience. From September, they taught students at middle and high schools as integrity coaches for three months.
At the debriefing session, the integrity coaches presented and shared their lecture plans on the "Integrity Training Program for the Youth" that they used for education of students.
The ACRC is planning to use some of the best contents presented during the sessions in its integrity education and promotion programs. It will also distribute the integrity training programs created by the Integrity Coaches to middle and high schools.