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Proposal notified to enact Code of Conduct for Local Councilmen

  • Date2010-07-06
  • Hit962
 Local council members will be prohibited from considering bills if the process of bill examination or budget deliberation is in direct interest of themselves, their spouse, or lineal ascendants/descendents or relatives within the relationship of third degree of the two persons.
Receiving cash, real estate, gift or gift of entertainment from duty-related persons will also be prohibited, and notifying festivities and funerals to such persons or receiving money thereof worth in excess of 50,000 won will bring disciplinary and other actions from the chair of the local council.
The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) notified the proposal on June 10 to enact the Code of Conduct for Local Council Members considering that the current Code of Conduct for Public Officials fails to reflect the distinct characteristics of the status of local councilmen.
According to the proposed bill, local councilmen should not unjustly intervene in appointment, promotion, transfer and other personnel affairs of duty-related persons by using their public position, or should not bring unjust benefits to themselves or others.
The proposal also bans official activities at home and abroad using traveling expenses and other budgets received from other organizations and entities; financial transactions with other councilmen or duty-related parties; and rent of real estate without cost.
Under the Special Committee on Ethics in the local council, Code of Conduct Committee will be established to deal with violation cases, and within the scope of the Code of Conduct for Local Councilmen, the local council concerned will be able to establish its own code of conduct taking into account its unique circumstances.
The draft proposal states that anyone who becomes aware of a violation of the Code by a local councilman may report such to the chair of the local council to which the concerned councilman belongs or to the ACRC. The chair of the local council is required to take disciplinary and other necessary actions after receiving vindication reports from the councilman concerned.