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ACRC gives awards to those for anti-corruption activities in 2009

  • Date2010-04-22
  • Hit836

Professor Lee Yong Surk of Yonsei University is awarded Order of Civil Merit—Moran Medal for making a conscience declaration related with irregularities in the construction industry. The Korea Customs Service is awarded presidential commendation on February 26 as the most excellent organization for anti-corruption activities.

The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC), which deals with integrity policies against corruption announced the list of awardees of government prizes and commendation from the Chairman of the commission, including 38 individuals and four organizations, for contributing to activities against corruption in 2009.

Government prizes for preventing corruption was awarded to those who were nominated in the fields of setting examples against corruption, policies against corruption and reporting corruptive activities and designated by the objective and fair judgment of the commission that evaluates achievements with civilian commissioners participating.

Professor Lee Yong Surk of Yonsei University, who will be awarded the Order of Civil Merit--Moran Medal, the most prestigious among the prizes, is recognized for having reported the receipt of a gift certificate from a participating company, equivalent to 10 million won as he participated in the committee evaluating turnkey bids.
Professor Lee's brave action has helped reveal corruptive practices that have been covertly carried out in the construction industry and raised the public awareness of corruption. This has led to the public consensus on the necessity to reform related systems.

Awardees who will be awarded Civil Merit Medal include: CEO Joo Jae Geon of Dasan Engineering, who has worked as integrity ombudsman for public organizations, including the Korea Railroad and contributed to the enhanced transparency of the construction work process by improving work process of construction sites and related systems; Chae Hwan-gyu, head of Department 4 of Current Affairs and Culture of MBC, who has contributed to the enhanced rights of people to know and transparency of society by reporting links of corruption continuously through broadcast programs; and Lee Chang-sung, Auditor General of the Korea Highway Corporation for contributing to the corporation's nomination as the excellent organization that has implemented anti-corruption activities by developing creative anti-corruption policies, laying the anti-corruption infrastructure and making efforts to enhance awareness of integrity.

Among organizations that are awarded commendation, the Korea Customs Service is nominated for presidential commendation for its contribution to the enhancement of transparency of the general customs administration by implementing anti-corruption integrity policies actively that include the establishment of system to correct the corruptive environment in customs administration, provision of consulting services to local customs offices and improving systems that are vulnerable to corruption.

Awardees who will be awarded the prime minister commendation include: the Korea Rural Community Corporation, which has reduced the risk of corruption by implementing scientific and systematic audit activities, e.g. establishment of the system for auditing and checking dangerous information; the Korea Resources Corporation, which has run the independent system to evaluate effects of corruption as well as the system to enhance integrity; and the Korea Minting and Security Printing Corporation, which has provided anti-corruption and integrity education programs to all employees, e.g. ethics education courses through the Internet.

Citizens will be also awarded for reporting irregularities during delivery of goods related with the defense industry and the director who has embezzled training fees.

In relation to the awarding event, Chairman Lee Jae Oh said "The status of Korea can be enhanced and the efficiency of the government administration can be raised when no one suffers unfair treatment and the government is run in a clear and clean way."

On top of that, chairman Lee emphasized "The country will host the G20 Summit meeting this year and therefore the government should carry out the national campaign to make a 'transparent country' with extended participation of people, corporations and civil society to raise the public awareness of anti-corruption and integrity."