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Channel in the Indonesian Ombudsman Exclusive for Koreans

  • Date2010-04-22
  • Hit810

ACRC Chairman Lee signed the MOU with the Indonesian Ombudsman, and held the hearing session with Koreans for the MOU

Chairman Lee Jae Oh of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) visited the Indonesian Ombudsman on February 1 and signed with Antonius Sujata, senior ombudsman of Indonesia the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea and the Ombudsman of Indonesia on Mutual Cooperation for Enhancing Rights and Interests of People Living Overseas and Resolving Complaints.

Before signing the MOU, Chairman Lee said in an address, "Though exchanges of human resources and goods are on the increase, people living and companies operating business in each country are suffering a variety of complaints and difficulties indeed." He also said, "the MOU is expected to help protect and increase rights, interests and business activities by each country's people living overseas and to encourage activities to improve the corporate environment and increase investment."

Senior ombudsman Antonius Sujata of Indonesia replied, "I expect the MOU will provide a good opportunity to enhance rights and interests of people living in respective countries."

With the signing of the MOU, Korean people and businessmen living in Indonesia as well as Indonesians living in Korea will be able to resolve their complaints much easier.

The MOU was prepared to lay the foundation where organizations with ombudsman function in respective countries can cooperate to resolve complaints that people suffer while living in each country, e.g. residence, employment, studying overseas and visa. The ACRC has contacted Indonesia primarily considering the size of Korean people living overseas and foreigners residing in Korea and the trade volumes. The MOU will be signed with other countries in Asia.

As a result, when Koreans living in Indonesia or companies carrying out business activities in the country raise civil appeals to administrative organizations, the ombudsman in Indonesia will receive the result from the relevant authorities and notify it to petitioners.

In addition, the ACRC of Korea can receive civil appeals related with Indonesia and submit them to the Indonesian authorities via post or e-mail.

Currently, petitions can be filed in English, Japanese, Chinese and Vietnamese through e-People (www.epeople.go.kr) in the Internet. The language of Indonesia will be also provided by the service and "Channel exclusive for Koreans" is made in the Indonesian ombudsman system.

Since the signing of the MOU, Indonesians residing in Korea can enjoy the same interests, which is expected to enhance their rights and interests substantially. Both countries have agreed to hold a regular policy consultation meeting between senior officials to evaluate how difficulties and concerns that people are suffering in respective countries are treated and to discuss other matters to cooperate.