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ACRC Plans to Adopt Ethics Programs for Public Officials of the US Federal Government

  • Date2010-03-25
  • Hit874

Chairman Lee visits the US on March 28 to hold briefing sessions on anti-corruption policies and discuss mutual cooperation against corruption

- The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) plans to exchange integrity programs for public officials with the US federal government"s ethics agency.

ACRC"s Integrity Programs for Public Officials (including Lecture on Integrity)

Number of times: Around 50 since Chairman Lee Jae Oh took office on Sept. 30, 2009; Twice per week

Subject: "Integrity Boosts the National Competitiveness."

Lecturer: Chairman Lee Jae Oh

Duration: Around 60 minutes

Audience: Mid and high ranking public officials in the Ministries; executives and employees of public organizations; 17 city governments and provinces and 16 offices of education; national and public universities (students and faculty); corporate CEOs; all employees of the ACRC

Accumulated number of audience: Around 19,950

Highest number of audience: 3,800 public officials of Seoul Metropolitan Government (Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, Feb. 26, 2010)

-  Chairman Lee Jae Oh of the ACRC holds briefing sessions on integrity policies in Washington D.C. and New York from March 29 to April 3 to promote the Korean government"s anti-corruption policies and strengthen cooperation with the US anti-corruption agencies.

- The ACRC chairman plans to meet with Director Robert I. Cusick of the US Office of Government Ethics (OGE), which oversees executive branches" ethics duties, to discuss exchange of integrity programs for public officials and sharing of education materials for the US government"s "Internalization of Public Ethics," which is tailored to each public duty and applied in real tasks.

The ACRC will present its integrity policies at the 17th National Government Ethics Conference on May 12-14, 2010, hosted by OGE and the 11th APEC Anti-Corruption and Transparency Experts Task Force Meeting in September 2010.

- For the briefing session, Chairman Lee will visit international organizations including the UN and the World Bank and anti-corruption agencies including OGE in an effort to raise the awareness of the international community toward the Korean government"s commitment to integrity, thereby improving the country"s competitiveness and international credibility.

 - In particular, Chairman Lee will meet with President Robert Zoellick of the World Bank to express Korea"s commitment to integrity. The World Bank announces the WGI (Worldwide Governance Indicators) that exerts much influence on the international credibility of a country. The chairman will also ask the organization to provide financial support for anti-corruption technical assistance projects in developing countries.

In the UN, he will discuss issues focusing on measures to strengthen international cooperation on anti-corruption initiatives with Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro.

Chairman Lee will also suggest ways to include the anti-corruption issue as formal agenda for the G-20 Summit Meeting to be held in Seoul in November.

- In addition, the ACRC plans to hold two meetings with the Korean business community in the US--US-Korea Business Council on March 30 and Korean Chamber of Commerce on March 31--to listen to their difficulties, as well as two lectures on integrity at Johns Hopkins University on March 29 and at Korea Society on March 31.

- The ACRC has been carrying out promotional activities around the world to help the international community recognize the improved state of corruption, based on the understanding that Korea"s transparency and integrity have been under-evaluated so far by the international community.

- In this regard, Chairman Lee Jae Oh"s policy briefing sessions in the US is expected to help establish close network with anti-corruption international organizations and to improve the brand image of Korea.



