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Visit to National Anti-Corruption Commission of Thailand

  • Date2009-12-15
  • Hit934

In the morning of November 4th, ACRC Chairman Lee, Jae Oh paid a visit to the NACC, met with its President Panthep Klanarongran and talked about ways to implement what was contained in the Korea-Thailand Anti-Corruption MOU signed last September in Seoul. In the meeting, NACC President said that the NACC wants to introduce Korea"s Integrity Assessment as soon as possible. To this end, his organization wants to dispatch a team of NACC officials to be trained in Korea.

Chairman Lee promised to accelerate bilateral anti-corruption efforts by transferring Korea"s policy experiences to Thailand. The MOU signed between the two sides is about 1.exchange of anti-corruption policy, experience and human resources; 2.joint investigation and research; 3.development of anti-corruption education programs.

The NACC is an independent constitutional body, and examines high-ranking officials" properties, investigates corrupt assets and improves institutions.